Parkinson's disease is not just a disorder of movement. People with the condition also may have difficulties with remembering, planning, making decisions and being motivated to act.
Many patients lack 'get up and go' and become apathetic, unable to generate drive to do things. Some may develop impulsive decision-making and make uncharacteristically poor choices in everyday life.
We are performing research on:
We're interested in understanding the brain mechanisms underlying these problems and developing treatments for them. We're also testing people at risk of developing Parkinson's disease, e.g. because they suffer from REM sleep behaviour disorder (RBD) or have a genetic risk factor.
If you want to get involved or find out more about our research based at Oxford University and the John Radcliffe Hospital, please write to:
Professor Masud Husain, Nuffield Dept Clinical Neurosciences, Level 6, West Wing, John Radcliffe Hospital, Oxford OX3 9DU or
email: masud.husain@ndcn.ox.ac.uk
Leaflets from Parkinson's UK (just click on the titles below):
Husain M & Schott J eds. (2016) Oxford Textbook of Cognitive Neurology & Dementia. Oxford University Press, Oxford.
You can also find out more about our research by downloading the articles listed below.
Reviews & Commentaries
Husain M (2019) Targeting network dysfunction in neurodegenerative diseases. Brain 142:3661-3662. PMID:31789369 [Commentary]
Zokaei N, Husain M (2019) Working Memory in Alzheimer’s Disease and Parkinson’s Disease Current Top Behav Neurosci (Epub ahead of print) PMID: 31347008
Husain M, Roiser R (2018) The neuroscience of apathy and anhedonia: A transdiagnostic approach. Nature Reviews Neuroscience (Epub ahead of print).
Husain M (2017) Transdiagnostic neurology: neuropsychiatric symptoms in neurodegenerative conditions. Brain 140:1535-6 PMID:28549134
Chong T T-J, Bonnelle V, Husain M (2016) Quantifying motivation with effort-based decision-making paradigms in health and disease. Progress in Brain Res 229:71-100
Chong T T-J, Husain M (2016) The role of dopamine in the pathophysiology and treatment of apathy. Progress in Brain Res 229: 389-426
Muhammed K, Husain M (2016) Clinical significance of apathy in Parkinson's disease. European Medical Journal 4: 56-63.
Sinha N, Manohar S, Husain M (2013) Impulsivity and apathy in Parkinson's disease. Journal of Neuropsychology. PMID:23621377
Norbury A, Husain M (2015) Sensation-seeking: Dopaminergic modulation and risk for psychopathology. Behavioural Brain Research 288:79-93 (Epub ahead of print) PMID: 25907745
Research papers
Evangelisti S, Boessenkool S, Pflanz CP, Basting R, Betts JF, Jenkinson M, Clare S, Muhammed K, LeHeron C, Armstrong R, Klein JC, Husain M, Nemeth AH, Hu MT, Douaud G (2023) Subthalamic nucleus shows opposite functional connectivity pattern in Huntington’s and Parkinson’s disease. Brain Commun. 2023; 5(6): fcad282. PMC10699743
Fallon SJ, Plant O, Tabi YA, Manohar SG, Husain M (2023) Effects of cholinesterase inhibition on attention and working memory in Lewy body dementias. Brain Commun. 2023; 5(4): fcad207. PMC10404008
Nobis L, Maio MR, Saleh Y, Manohar S, Kienast A, McGann E, Husain M (2023) Role of serotonin in modulation of decision-making in Parkinson's disease. J Psychopharmacol 37: 420–431 PMC10101180
Fallon SJ, van Rhee C, Kienast A, Manohar SG, Husain M (2023) Mechanisms underlying corruption of working memory in Parkinson's disease. J Neuropsychol (Epub ahead of print) PMID: 36642965
Barber TR, Muhammed K, Drew D, Bradley KM, McGowan DR, Klein JC, Manohar SG, Hu MTM, Husain M (2022) Reward insensitivity is associated with dopaminergic deficit in rapid eye movement sleep behaviour disorder. Brain doi: 10.1093/brain/awac430.PMID: 36395092
Oswal A, Cao C, Yeh CH, Neumann WJ, Gratwicke J, Akram H, Horn A, Li D, Zhan S, Zhang C, Wang Q, Zrinzo L, Foltynie T, Limousin P, Bogacz R, Sun B, Husain M, Brown P, Litvak V (2021) Neural signatures of hyperdirect pathway activity in Parkinson's disease. Nature Communications 12:5185 PMID: 34465771
Zokaei N, Quinn AJ, Hu MT, Husain M, van Ede F, Nobre AC (2021) Reduced cortico-muscular beta coupling in Parkinson's disease predicts motor impairment. Brain Communications 3:fcab179 PMID: 34514395
Muhammed K, Ben Yehuda M, Drew D, Manohar S, Husain M (2021) Reward sensitivity and action in Parkinson's disease patients with and without apathy. Brain Communications 3:fcab022 PMID: 33855297
Drew DS, Muhammed K, Baig F, Kelly M, Saleh Y, Sarangmat N, Okai D, Hu M, Manohar S, Husain M (2020) Dopamine and reward hypersensitivity in Parkinson’s disease with impulse control disorder. Brain 143:2502-18. PMID: 32761061
Zokaei N, Sillence A, Kienast A, Drew D, Plant O, Slavkova E, Manohar SG, Husain M (2020) Different patterns of short-term memory deficit in Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease and subjective cognitive impairment. Cortex (Epub ahead of print) PMID: 32919108
Giehl K, Ophey A, Reker P, Rehberg S, Hammes J, Barbe MT, Zokaei N, Eggers C, Husain M, Kalbe E, van Eimeren T (2020) Effects of home-based working memory training on visuo-spatial working memory in Parkinson’s disease: A randomized controlled trial. J Cent Nerv Syst Dis (Epub ahead of print) PMID: 32002011
Fallon SJ, Gowell M, Maio MR, Husain M (2019) Dopamine affects short-term memory corruption over time in Parkinson's disease. Nature Partner Journals Parkinson's Disease 5:16. PMID: 31396548
Barber TR, Muhammed K, Drew D, Lawton M, Crabbe M, Rolinski M, Quinnell T, Zaiwalla Z, Ben-Shlomo Y, Husain M, Hu MTM (2018) Apathy in rapid eye movement sleep behaviour disorder is common and under-recognized. Eur J Neurol 25:469-76. PMID:29114969
Ang YS, Manohar S, Plant O, Kienast A, Le Heron C, Muhammed K, Hu M, Husain M (2018) Dopamine modulates option generation for behavior. Current Biology 28:1561-9.
Le Heron C, Plant O, Manohar S, Ang YS, Jackson M, Lennox G, Hu MT, Husain M (2018) Distinct effects of apathy and dopamine on effort-based decision-making in Parkinson's disease. Brain 141:1455-69.
Fallon SJ, Mattiesing RM, Muhammed K, Manohar S, Husain M (2017) Fractionating the neurocognitive mechanisms underlying working memory: Independent effects of dopamine and Parkinson's disease. Cerebral Cortex (Epub ahead of print)
Muhammed K, Manohar S, Ben Yehuda M, Chong T-J, Tofaris G, Lennox G, Bogdanovic M, Hu M, Husain M (2016) Reward sensitivity deficits modulated by dopamine are associated with apathy in Parkinson's disease. Brain 139: 2706-21. PMID: 27452600.
Manohar SG, Husain M (2015) Reduced pupillary reward sensitivity in Parkinson's disease. Nature Partner Journals Parkinson's Disease 1, 15026.
Rolinski H*, Zokaei N*, Baig F, Giehl K, Quinnell T, Zaiwalla Z, Mackay CE, Husain M, Hu MTM (2015) Visual short-term memory in REM sleep behaviour disorder mirror those in Parkinson's disease. Brain (Epub ahead of print) PMID: 26582557
Manohar SG, Chong TTJ, Apps MAJ, Batla A, Stamelou M, Jarman PR, Bhatia KP, Husain M (2015) Reward pays the cost of noise reduction in motor and cognitive control. Current Biology (Epub ahead of print) PMID: 26096975.
Chong TTJ, Bonnelle V, Manohar S, Veromann K, Muhammed K, Tofaris GK, Hu M, Husain M (2015) Dopamine enhances willingness to exert effort for reward in Parkinson’s disease. Cortex (Epub ahead of print) PMID:
Norbury A, Kurth-Nelson Z, Winston JS, Roiser JP, Husain M (2015) Dopamine regulates approach-avoidance in human sensation-seeking. Internatial Journal of Neuropsychopharmacology (Epub ahead of print) PMID: 25857822.
Norbury A, Husain M (2015) Sensation-seeking: Dopaminergic modulation and risk for psychopathology. Behavioural Brain Research 288:79-93 (Epub ahead of print) PMID: 25907745
Zokaei N, McNeill A, Proukakis C, Beavan M, Jarman P, Korlipara P, Hughes D, Mehta A, Hu MTM, Schapira AHV, Husain M. (2014) Visual short-term memory deficits associated with GBA mutation and Parkinson’s disease. Brain 137: 2303-2311. PMID:24919969
Norbury A, Manohar S, Rogers RD, Husain M. (2013) Dopamine modulates risk-taking as a function of baseline sensation-seeking trait. The Journal of Neuroscience 33:12982-12986. PMID:23926253
Bunzeck N, Singh-Curry V, Eckart C, Weiskopf N, Perry RJ, Bain PG, Düzel E, Husain M. (2013) Motor phenotype and magnetic resonance measures of basal ganglia iron levels in Parkinson's disease. Parkinsonism & Related disorders 19: 1136-1142. PMID:24025315
Adam R, Leff A, Sinha N, Turner C, Bays PM, Draganski B, Husain M. (2012) Dopamine reverses reward insensitivity in apathy following globus pallidus lesions. Cortex 49(5):1292-303. PMID:22721958 PMC3639369